Original Music Spotlight Category

Starting this week, I’m going to add articles about original music–categorized Original Music Spotlight.  Though the format will most likely be written with a music stream, I could do video or audio interviews and post those.

Original Music Spotlight and Indie Musicians

As an indie musician, networking is key.  I’m hoping to show new music to people who may find my site and build a place that artists may see as a good place to network.  Then when us musicians need other for performances or anything, we have a resource group to tap.  I’m excited to add this category of articles to my site.  Should be fun.

original music spotlight

Share Your Music

If you are an artist, please contact me through any of my social media links.  I’m looking to add more music.

Edit: Follow-Up

After a couple months, the original music spotlight section is moving along nicely.  Through it two artists are going to perform with me at album release shows in May and June 2016.  Friendships have been formed and alliances signed and world domination…oops, revealed too much of the plans.

To me the main point is sharing music that I, myself, personally enjoy.

For some details about the stats I collect in share, check this other post.