The Wolf in Ballwin, MO has led me to more music friends than an other place. Jordan Indiana Gonzalez is a regular there and, if my memory is correct, we first spoke after I did a trivia question there and gave him a draft of my songbook for knowing the answer. Since then we’d occasionally talk, share a table, and do music stuff. Jordan possesses a well versed musicianship and has a specific vision for his songwriting. If you get the chance to hang, it’s fun on so many levels. To get a glimpse into Jordan Indiana Gonzalez’s process, click play on Jordan’s song “Starship” and read about his song below. You can catch his streaming shows on Facebook and
The story behind Starship
“Starship” is about wanting to leave the troubles of this world behind and escape with that special someone into the stars. The music for the song came about when I was toying with a chord progression based on keeping the upper voice of the chords the same but just changing the root (i.e. the power chord in the intro keeping the fifth and root of the I chord when the bass changes to the IV of the key). I liked the feeling of simplicity, and so I started coming up with some words and sang “I’m writing you a simple melody,” which ended up being the first line of the song. The rest of the song came about through comparing the beauty of a loved one with the beauty of the universe.

Jordan Indiana Gonzalez Links
- Soundcloud –
jordanindianagonzalez - Website –
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JordanIndianaGonzalez/ - Twitch –
jordanindiana - Twitter –
jordanindiana - Youtube –
jordanindianagonzalez - Email – jordanindianagonzalez@gmail.
Jordan Indiana Gonzalez Bio
Jordan Indiana Gonzalez is a singer/songwriter based out of St. Louis, MO. He has released two EPs and is now working on his first full-length album. You can catch him live-streaming his music on his Facebook page every Tuesday for #TuesdayTunesday and on his Twitch page every Friday for his weekly Serenade.