In Mid-October, I did a run of three shows on tour. Madison, WI was stop two of three. The show at The Fountain was broadcast on WMUU radio and Durango McMurphy was the host and co-performer. Durango and I had a great time playing some music and playing off each other. Click play on “Aliens Over India” and read about the song below. Durango has probably the best bio I’ve seen.
Aliens Over India Story
I’m trying to stop World War lll before it starts . I saw the headline Aliens Over India in some newspaper . I’ll break it down verse by verse :
They’re swarming like mosquitoes
swear they’re everywhere ya’ hang yr hat
they’re all so clean , never seen
like Elvis @ the Laundromat
bolt the doors they’re comin’ thru
electric ants in neon blue ..
trust the rain the rain is true
they talk about freedom but they don’t mean you …
Aliens are sailing over India tonight
saw it on the TV news , then I saw the light…
Look out boys for the asteroids they’re comin’ in the night don’t you know
racin’ thru the stars all aglow / what a show ..
look out boys for the asteroids they’re crashin’ from above & below
yr runnin’ but there’s nowhere to go / what a show …

I resent Orwellian omnipresent surveillance cameras & find them to be an affront to our Liberty. They pander to the lowest common denominator in society , not the highest and most noble .
In my opinion , you can’t really be Free if a mosquito-like swarm of never-accountable , invisible government officials & police ( electric ants in neon blue ) armed with delusions of power , technology and very real hand guns , are , in an effort to control your life , perpetually watching you from cameras affixed to drones , stop lights , buses , schools , buildings & banks .
Chorus – I saw a newspaper headline that read ” Aliens Over India “. I saw this arguably absurd statement as an example of ” fake news ” , and used it to represent the fact there may not be aliens but there are drones & spy satellites sailing overhead with technology capable of looking into your bedroom window , a reality indeed alien to human creativity & freedom . I find the fundamental assumption the technology will only be used for “the good” flawed and unsustainable . I trust the rain . Nature doesn’t lie . The media , not so much .
police states wait / hate ain’t that great
the aliens must be on drugs
too arrogant to understand
the future of the world is Love
Verse 2 is pretty straight ahead : This is not the United Police States of America.
Paranoia , hate & oppression just create a snowballing karma of more negativity .
I’m basically an optimist . A happy existentialist .
I declare the future of the World is not Armageddon ,
the future of the World is Love . Holy John Lennon , Batman .
Bonus tracks :
I filmed the Video on a simple Sony Handicam & did the editing on Adobe Premier Pro .
I included the Bonus Track just for fun , playing around w/ language & imagery .
Durango McMurphy Bio
It seems I was born, a bunch of weird stuff happens, then I die. If you’d like to contact Durango, please use his email: