Today, May 10, my new album Diffused came out. Diffused is the second album of all original music where I sing. A musical release is often a complicated project. What I like best is what I learn each time through the process. Learning about planning multiple shows, setting up co-performers for each show, continuing production and mastering knowledge, and ways to promote were the big areas with Diffused.

New Album Diffused
Diffused has eleven new songs, one remix, and four live tracks. The songs have a general blues and groove feel to them. For the production, I tried to keep things simple but have a change through the song. As contrasted with Hallowed, elements like drums come in and out more. I took some chances by not having guitar as the main instrument on a song. Some songs are minimal while others are rich. Hope that people like the strategy.
Buy Diffused
New Album Diffused Release Shows
Two release shows for the new album Diffused are scheduled. May 13th at The Wolf will have Nathan Jones and Joey Kenig opening and Catching The Westbound and myself will trade songs. Music goes from 7 p.m. until close to 10 p.m. The second show will be a house concert with Chris Johnson and Lia Glynias opening and Catching The Westbound doing rounds again. The plan is for Chris to play horn on a few of my songs. At the release shows, CD’s, songbooks, and downloads will be available.
Summer of 2016
The plans for the summer include playing around the St. Louis area and some other area–probably Springfield, MO. Already planning to hit some new open mics during this month and am booking another solo show later in the summer. My musical goals are simple: have fun, try to break even, build a network so I’m considered a local singer-songwriter.
On the topic of networking, I like sharing. Like with the Original Music Spotlight part of this blog, I like to show how I did things for the new album. Since I researched and compared myself to other artists and thought about what they did and what might work for me, maybe these posted thoughts will have a similar use to others.