The St. Louis area has cool places to music artists to go and meet each other. This week I got to meet David Trull. I’d seen David perform a couple times and as luck would have it, we ended up sharing a table at one of the metro area’s best attended open mics at The Wolf. We struck up a conversation and I asked him about sharing a story on my blog. The next morning, the idea continued in email. So, click play on the song “Dark Magic” and imagine yourself taking that European trip you’ve always dreamed about then continue reading. That’ll set the scene for you.
David Trull’s Story Behind Dark Magic
In spring of 2015, a friend and I found ourselves in a bit of a rut. Almost a year in boring, uninspiring jobs with little creative output had left us both desperate for a bit of excitement. One day we decided on a whim to hike the Camino de Santiago together, a 500 mile pilgrimage route across France and Spain. During the trip, we stayed at hostels along the way and would spend evenings meeting the other travelers staying there, often talking long into the night.

One evening, we were speaking with a group of Spaniards, and the conversation turned to fairly dark, existential matters. At one point, someone asked if anyone could ever really be happy in this life. The other fellow just smiled and responded, “Yes…it just takes a little Dark Magic” and then walked away without an explanation of what he meant. The moment stuck with me and the next day during our walk I composed the song, appropriately titled “Dark Magic’. I never saw those travelers again, but I hope if they are out there listening they enjoy the song.
David Trull Links
- Home Page
- Listen on BandCamp
- Listen on SoundCloud