A common way for me to find new music is through Twitter. I found and contacted La Kreativ and loved their sound. La Kreativ is located in Bochum, Germany. The song writer is Irina Lara Christine (ILC). Give a listen below and see if you love their song “Way Too Late” like I do.
Story Behind “Way Too Late”
The Meaning of the song:
“Way Too Late” is a very personal song that comes from the heart. In essence, this song is about standing up for yourself, with a touch of humor added to the mix. Sometimes when you are a good-hearted person you can get run over in relationships or other situations. In those moments it is good to remember who you are and what you stand for, which is the situation you can hear being described in “Way Too” Late.
How Way Too Late was born:
The melody and lyrics to “Way Too Late” were composed through an improvisation with my brother Aaron, after we had a long conversation about life and relationships. The song came out pretty much the way you can hear it on the recording of our “Mind Map” EP.

People´s response to the song:
What really surprised us, was the audience reaction when we played the song live for the first time. We were busking in Dortmund, Germany, and the moment we started playing “Way Too Late” people stopped and listened enthusiastically. We never expected the song to have such an impact on people. It makes us very happy to see people enjoying our music!
Recording process:
Way Too Late was recorded live, since it was important to us to capture an authentic feeling on the record. Recording live in the same room, with limited time, was a challenge, but it was a great experience and we learned a lot about the process of recording music live.
La Kreativ Links
- Homepage
- Listen on SoundCloud
- Get music on BandCamp
La Kreativ Bio
LA KREATIV is an acoustic music duo with international influences. All songs are written by the singer and songwriter Irina Lara Christine (ILC), who has been described as: “Exotic, singer, songwriter, musician, artist, adventurer…” by music journalist J. Bliss. The band was originally founded by Irina Lara Christine, and her brother Aaron on the guitar. Today it consists of Irina Lara Christine and the prize winning classical pianist Robert Below.