To start this blog, I’m trying to think of a more creative way to sum up a friend of a friend of a friend type story. So, I met Cristhopper Armenta through a song-a-week group. The group drips with inspiring talent. One of the songs Cristhopper posted really grabbed me and I mentioned the blog. So, give this New York based, by way of Culiacán, Sinaloa, Mexico, artist a listen and read the story behind the song below. Cristhoppers songs have a really cool charm to them–link to more of his music below the story.
Story Behind “Love On A Train”
The first thing I noticed when I rode the subway in NYC for the first time was that it’s full of creative potential. It is absolutely one of the best places for people watching. It is probably the only place where all these incredibly different people meet.
Love on a train is based on a personal story. I had seen many beautiful women on the subway but never really didn’t know what to do with that. One time I find myself looking at an attractive girl talking to her girlfriend on an L train. I had been living in the city for a few months and I was still quite oblivious of the subway etiquette. So after a few stops I come up with a plan and write my name and phone number on a piece of paper, but when I finally decide to act, the girl kisses her friend goodbye and gets off the train.

So I sit down next to her friend and tell her how dazzled I am by her friend’s beauty as I hand over the piece of paper. She smiles amused as I make my way off the train. Then, as I walk home, I realize how much of a creep I had been and decided to write a song about it. I wanted it to portrait how naiveness can be perceived as creepiness both in the lyrics and the musical arrangement. The melody had been in my head for a while before my train story, but the song didn’t come together until I pushed myself to spit the lyrics out.
Cristhopper Armenta Links
- Homepage
- Listen on SoundCloud
- Get Music on BandCamp
- Personal Blog
Cristhopper Armenta Bio
Born and raised in the west coast of Mexico, Cristhopper spent most of my teens playing the organ in local churches in his hometown. He started writing original songs in middle school but it wasn’t until University that he started arranging and participating in original music local contests. After a few years of inactivity, he moved to the US and picked up songwriting again. He currently lives and works as a Mobile Developer in New York City and writes as much as his day job allows. Every night and then, he still dreams of being a rockstar.