YouTube And Patreon

While waiting to get live gigs rolling again, YouTube and Patreon are going well. My YouTube channel is right under 10k subscribers. For the last month I’ve been doing daily videos. July 1 I’m switching to five videos a week: Monday and Tuesday collaborations, Wednesday and Friday reactions and bonus, and Thursdays original music or city music stories. I started weekly original music with my looking at old performances of myself which might be song drafts or performances out of town.

Patreon has been having three exclusive videos a month and extra posts. The videos there are mostly original music performances with some covers and the occasional bts thrown in. I tell stories about gigs, music business lessons learned, and whatnot. They are amazing and supportive.

A last note, I’ll be in Florida the last week of July into August and hope to setup a couple acoustic shows while there. Naturally, I will get video and Patreon will be the first to see that.